Adjectives, Adverbs, and Ad-Adverbs


This paper’s title is almost entirely adjectives and adverbs:

Homogeneous Large-Area Quasi-Free-Standing Monolayer and Bilayer Graphene on SiC

This is depressingly normal for scientific papers, especially when the topic is about materials or chemicals. This paper takes it a step further, and puts adjectives within adverbs. Here it is as tree for “clarity”:

           /     \
          /     SiC
      /       \-------\-------------- \
 Homogeneous   Large  Quasi            and---\
                 |      |              /      \
                Area   Freestanding  Monolayer Bilayer

Replace “Graphene on SiC” with “epigraphene”, and get rid of “and Bilayer” and you would have “Homogeneous Large Area Quasi Freestanding Monolayer Epigraphene”, one massive adjective phrase!