Big Projects
Upsilon is a 100% FOSS platform (including the build system) for controlling equipment on Digilent Arty A7 FPGAs using Linux. Upsilon runs mainline Linux on a RISC-V softcore, and has built-in support for adding ADCs, DACs, and PicoRV32 softcores by modifying a python build script. It automatically generates interface files for both C and Micropython to interact with gateware modules attached to the main softcore. It also has a interface for fine-grained manual control of hardware resources by allocating them to independently running modules.
Upsilon was originally developed when I was an undergraduate working in Guangxin Ni’s lab at the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory. A more up-to-date version can be found here under the “picorv32” branch.
Universal Service is a work-in-progress C library implementing different garbage collectors with a common interface.
Universal Service LISP is a work-in-progress R7RS bytecode compiler written in R3RS. It is designed to compile to GLLV, a basic bytecode interpreter with garbage collection by Universal Service. Not designed for “real world” use, it can be used for as a bootstrapping tool and as a very portable implementation of Scheme. -
Gamma Scheme will be an R7RS implementation with delimited continuations and
Misc Programs
- Periodic table searcher in OCaml, using a SQL database. Supports fuzzy search.
- Hyugens principle simulation in Javascript for physics education.
- Windows Local Backup was an attempt at making a compressing hashing backup program for old Windows systems (particularly, Windows XP). The project was abandoned because Fossil was better suited.
- Creole is an extremely simple bytecode format and bytecode interpreter. Instructions are encoded in a variant of UTF-8 (the encoding is self-synchronizing). The macro assembler is a Python library. I wrote a blog post about using UTF-8 to encode non-Unicode codepoints.
- Modified libraw1394 where address requests are handled by function handlers instead of being stored in buffers. This allows for requests to be handled by dynamic methods such as network resources.
- Spyderta is a compatability library for Sederta FireWire cards. It is designed to emulate the DLL interface and send data over a local IPv4 connection to a Linux computer with a FireWire card. The code was never finished.
- AATree implementation in a single header file. C89+, imperative, freestanding.
The following libraries have been verified to work on an Arty A7-100T.
Container iterators are a polymorphic interface to a sequence of values. They are inspired by C++ iterators. Iterators can implement any of the following operations:
- forward movement
- backward movement
- getting
- setting
- comparison to other iterators
The library is designed such that an iterator on a type does not have to implement all of the operations if it is not feasible (i.e. no backward movement for an infinite stream). A type can have multiple iterators.
sris is a Scheme parser for RIS files.
cond-thunk is a simple framework for expressing complex destructuring and conditional operations on destructured values succintly.
Brainfuck2Scheme. Compile Brainfuck to an R5RS procedure.
markov-scm is a portable Markov generator (scripts are provided for CHICKEN). CHICKEN will compile the entire King James Bible into a Markov chain in a few seconds on my T420.
Market is an opinionated dialect of Markdown written in pure Scheme. The parser is extensible and (should) be powerful enough to implement things like arbitrarily nested tables.
weight-balanced-trees are an implementation of purely functional weight balanced trees. Extensively tested using property tests. Intended to implement container SRFIs.
- Monadic SQLite interface in OCaml.
- Reference manual pages for the SI unit system, periodic table of the elements, and CODATA constants.
- I am translating the Aramaic of the Book of Daniel for Wikisource.